Preventive Health Travel
Check-In. Check-Up. Check-Out.™
Individual & Corporate Pricing Available
Choose Your Check-Up
Extend your longevity and enliven your vitality with the Wellness Check-Up, a complete head-to-toe evaluation designed to be your annual escape for inner and outer self-care.
Travel Like a VIP
Our obsessive attention to detail and commitment to luxury preventive health and wellness travel translates to you worrying less over logistics, and relishing more in the white glove service you deserve.
Revive in Style
Revel in your curated experience of top-notch care and accommodations, and travel back home safely feeling rejuvenated and ready to present your best self.
The Wellness Check-Up
Life Changing, Perhaps Even Life Saving.
Choose to Have It All.
All the Benefits. Double the Perks.
*Every Wellness Check-Up is divided into two payments. The first is due on signing, and the second is due immediately upon services rendered by affiliate providers on location. Health services are only performed by affiliate health care providers not employed or managed by ZELLA. A convenience fee of $500 will be charged per instance that the Wellness Check-Up is scheduled, canceled, changed, or transferred within ten business days of departure.
Total Abdominal Ultrasound
A total abdominal ultrasound takes non-invasive (painless) images of your liver, intestines, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, bladder, blood vessels, and appendix with sound waves (ultrasound). This exam is used to diagnose, detect, monitor, and manage disease, tumors, enlargement, and other abnormalities on and around the aforementioned organs without needles, shots, or surgical incisions.
Low Dose Computed Tomography (CT) of the Chest
A chest CT is used to diagnose, detect, monitor, and manage tumors, fluid around the lungs, and abnormal breathing conditions, like emphysema and COPD. This exam is exceptionally important not only for current or former smokers and vapers, but also for those who experience or have a history of chest pain or breathing problems.
Cardio Stress Test with EKG
A cardio stress test involves walking/slight running on a treadmill at different speeds while attached to an ECG/EKG machine to monitor breathing difficulty and blood pressure. This exam is used to determine overall heart health, individual levels of safe physical activity, coronary artery disease, heart rhythm abnormalities, and risk of heart attack.
Carotid & Vertebral Doppler Ultrasound
This exam uses high-frequency ultrasound to view the carotid and vertebral arteries, both of which supply blood to the brain, located on either side of the neck to detect blockages or stenosis. Those who have a history or an increased risk of stroke, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and/or coronary artery disease, will benefit from this exam.
Comprehensive Blood Work
Comprehensive blood work measures specific liver and kidney functions, blood glucose levels, vitamin, mineral, and electrolyte levels, blood count, and the body’s fluid balance. Having comprehensive blood work drawn enables diagnostic detection of cancer, anemia, leukemia, diabetes, and other illnesses, as well as provides you with a baseline knowledge of your overall health for comparative purposes over time.
Your comprehensive blood panel will contain a:
(1) complete blood count with differential [RBC, hemoglobin, hemocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), WBC/leukocyte, band forms, total neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, platelets, ferritin, folic acid (folates), vitamin B12, serum albumin];
(2) metabolic profile [glucose, glycated hemoglobin, urea, creatinine, uric acid, vitamin D, total and fractional protein, total and fractional bilirubin];
(3) lipid profile [total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL, triglycerides];
(4) enzyme profile [SGOT/AST, SGPT/ALT, GGT, ALP];
(5) electrolyte profile [potassium, sodium, calcium, chloride];
(6) hepatitis markers [Anti-HAV IgG, HBsAG, Anti-HBsAG, Anti-HCV];
(7) thyroid function hormone markers [Free T4/FT4, TSH];
(8) heart and stroke markers [homocysteine; lipoprotein A];
(9) sex specific hormone markers [males: total and free PSA, total and free testosterone] OR [females: CA-125, estradiol, total and free testosterone, FSH].
Urinalysis is used to detect and manage numerous disorders, such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, and kidney disease, among others.
Your urinalysis will contain a:
(1) chemical analysis [color, clarity, specific gravity, pH, bilirubin, urobilinogen, protein glucose, ketones, blood, leukocytes, nitrite, ascorbic acid];
(2) microscopic analysis [epithelial cells, WBC, RBC, Mucus filaments, bacteria].
Fecal Occult Blood Test
The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is used to detect hidden (microscopic/occult) blood in the stool, which may indicate the presence of colon cancer or polyps in the colon or rectum. Immunochromatography is used to rate a FOBT as positive or negative.
Resting EKG / ECG
An EKG/ECG (electrocardiogram) measures the electrical signals of your heart. This exam can detect irregular heartbeats, blocked arteries, and other (serious) heart conditions.
Mammography (Females Only)
This exam uses low-dose x-rays to provide early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases in women.
Prostate Ultrasound (Males Only)
This exam uses ultrasound imagery to assist in the detection of prostate abnormalities, cancer, some male fertility problems, difficult/painful urination, or other prostate-related conditions.
Computed Tomography (CT) Angiography of Coronary Arteries with Calcium Scoring (Elite Only)
A coronary CT angiogram is a diagnostic exam that takes images of your heart, and the vessels and arteries that supply blood to it. Unlike a traditional coronary angiogram, this exam does NOT require an invasive catheter. Therefore, this exam is a painless alternative to better understanding your risk of coronary artery disease.
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) of Brain & Carotid Arteries (Elite Only)
A magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a MRI of the arteries and veins used to detect whether the vessels transporting blood between the neck and the brain are healthy or diseased. A MRA is particularly valuable in screening for atherosclerosis, brain aneurysm, and vascular malformations known to cause some types of headaches and seizures.
Signature Concierge & Amenities
As a ZELLA client, you automatically gain access to numerous amenities and concierge services not available to the public. Some of the benefits you will enjoy are on-site health facilitators (all bilingual local experts with doctorate degrees) to guide you through the medical travel process both during and outside of your check-up, on-the-ground transportation to and from your check-up, all day privacy in your own VIP hospital room, complimentary WiFi, choice of two complete meals (brunch and lunch), and on-demand scheduling, to list only a few.
Routine Physical Examination
During the routine physical exam, your doctor will check your vitals, including weight, blood pressure, and heart rate. Additionally, your doctor will assess your motor functions, reflexes, and physical signs of any abnormalities.
Electronic & Hard Copies of Test Results in English
Your doctor will give you both hardcopy and digital versions of all of your test results and images. All of your results will be in English. With all of your radiological images and exam results at your disposal, you are free to share your results as you please with any of your health care providers and specialists back home.
Hour Long Consultation in English
Every person receives at least a scheduled hour long consultation with a doctor to discuss their test results and ongoing treatment plans in English.
“The Wellness Check-Up truly saved my life. They found advanced asymptomatic, pre-metastatic tumors that never would have been detected back home. I was able to take all of my results back to a specialist in the U.S. to have my insurance cover my next steps. My doctor couldn’t believe the quality of my exams, and my insurance was more than satisfied. What I still can’t believe is that my entire trip, including the check-up, airfare, and the hotel, cost less than my deductible.”
“As a business owner, I was really impressed with how my time was respected. There was zero wait time, and I was able to get some much needed downtime on my trip. Every single thing was taken care of for me. For the first time in my life, I forgot I had white coat syndrome. The doctors, the food, the hotel were all fantastic. I told my head of benefits to add it to my yearly calendar.”
“Within the past two years, I lost my brother and uncle to strokes. My father also suffered a stroke before he passed away. ZELLA helped me assess my risk for stroke, and has eased my mind. For that I am very grateful!“
Intrigued? Get In Touch
+1 786 403 2154
M-F, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST
80 S.W. 8th Street, Suite 2000, Miami, Florida, 33130
Choose Your Check-Up
Extend your longevity and enliven your vitality with the Wellness Check-Up, a complete head-to-toe evaluation designed to be your annual escape for inner and outer self-care.
Travel Like a VIP
Our obsessive attention to detail and commitment to luxury preventive health and wellness travel translates to you worrying less over logistics, and relishing more in the white glove service you deserve.
Revive in Style
Revel in your curated experience of top-notch care and accommodations, and travel back home safely feeling rejuvenated and ready to present your best self.
Choose to Have It All.
One Experience
As a life changing, perhaps even life saving, experience in preventive self-care, the Wellness Check-Up will be the one guilt-free indulgence you can look forward to year after year.
One Source
Outperforming any executive health program or physical exam covered by insurance, the Wellness Check-Up is a complete head-to-toe evaluation done in 5-6 hours in one privileged location during one appointment.
One Pass
With significant incentives for a tax-free getaway, it has never been easier to make your annual health maintenance a seamless and integral part of your next vacation or travel experience.

Total Abdominal Ultrasound
A total abdominal ultrasound takes non-invasive (painless) images of your liver, intestines, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, bladder, blood vessels, and appendix with sound waves (ultrasound). This exam is used to diagnose, detect, monitor, and manage disease, tumors, enlargement, and other abnormalities on and around the aforementioned organs without needles, shots, or surgical incisions.
Low Dose Computed Tomography (CT) of the Chest
A chest CT is used to diagnose, detect, monitor, and manage tumors, fluid around the lungs, and abnormal breathing conditions, like emphysema and COPD. This exam is exceptionally important not only for current or former smokers and vapers, but also for those who experience or have a history of chest pain or breathing problems.
Cardio Stress Test with EKG
A cardio stress test involves walking/slight running on a treadmill at different speeds while attached to an ECG/EKG machine to monitor breathing difficulty and blood pressure. This exam is used to determine overall heart health, individual levels of safe physical activity, coronary artery disease, heart rhythm abnormalities, and risk of heart attack.
Carotid & Vertebral Doppler Ultrasound
This exam uses high-frequency ultrasound to view the carotid and vertebral arteries, both of which supply blood to the brain, located on either side of the neck to detect blockages or stenosis. Those who have a history or an increased risk of stroke, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and/or coronary artery disease, will benefit from this exam.
Comprehensive Blood Work
Comprehensive blood work measures specific liver and kidney functions, blood glucose levels, vitamin, mineral, and electrolyte levels, blood count, and the body’s fluid balance. Having comprehensive blood work drawn enables diagnostic detection of cancer, anemia, leukemia, diabetes, and other illnesses, as well as provides you with a baseline knowledge of your overall health for comparative purposes over time.
Your comprehensive blood panel will contain a:
(1) complete blood count with differential [RBC, hemoglobin, hemocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), WBC/leukocyte, band forms, total neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, platelets, ferritin, folic acid (folates), vitamin B12, serum albumin];
(2) metabolic profile [glucose, glycated hemoglobin, urea, creatinine, uric acid, vitamin D, total and fractional protein, total and fractional bilirubin];
(3) lipid profile [total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL, triglycerides];
(4) enzyme profile [SGOT/AST, SGPT/ALT, GGT, ALP];
(5) electrolyte profile [potassium, sodium, calcium, chloride];
(6) hepatitis markers [Anti-HAV IgG, HBsAG, Anti-HBsAG, Anti-HCV];
(7) thyroid function hormone markers [Free T4/FT4, TSH];
(8) heart and stroke markers [homocysteine; lipoprotein A];
(9) sex specific hormone markers [males: total and free PSA, total and free testosterone] OR [females: CA-125, estradiol, total and free testosterone, FSH].
Urinalysis is used to detect and manage numerous disorders, such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, and kidney disease, among others.
Your urinalysis will contain a:
(1) chemical analysis [color, clarity, specific gravity, pH, bilirubin, urobilinogen, protein glucose, ketones, blood, leukocytes, nitrite, ascorbic acid];
(2) microscopic analysis [epithelial cells, WBC, RBC, Mucus filaments, bacteria].
Fecal Occult Blood Test
The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is used to detect hidden (microscopic/occult) blood in the stool, which may indicate the presence of colon cancer or polyps in the colon or rectum. Immunochromatography is used to rate a FOBT as positive or negative.
Resting EKG / ECG
An EKG/ECG (electrocardiogram) measures the electrical signals of your heart. This exam can detect irregular heartbeats, blocked arteries, and other (serious) heart conditions.
Mammography (Females Only)
This exam uses low-dose x-rays to provide early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases in women.
Prostate Ultrasound (Males Only)
This exam uses ultrasound imagery to assist in the detection of prostate abnormalities, cancer, some male fertility problems, difficult/painful urination, or other prostate-related conditions.
Computed Tomography (CT) Angiography of Coronary Arteries with Calcium Scoring (Elite Only)
A coronary CT angiogram is a diagnostic exam that takes images of your heart, and the vessels and arteries that supply blood to it. Unlike a traditional coronary angiogram, this exam does NOT require an invasive catheter. Therefore, this exam is a painless alternative to better understanding your risk of coronary artery disease.
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) of Brain & Carotid Arteries (Elite Only)
A magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a MRI of the arteries and veins used to detect whether the vessels transporting blood between the neck and the brain are healthy or diseased. A MRA is particularly valuable in screening for atherosclerosis, brain aneurysm, and vascular malformations known to cause some types of headaches and seizures.
Signature Concierge & Amenities
As a ZELLA client, you automatically gain access to numerous amenities and concierge services not available to the public. Some of the benefits you will enjoy are on-site health facilitators (all bilingual local experts with doctorate degrees) to guide you through the medical travel process both during and outside of your check-up, on-the-ground transportation to and from your check-up, all day privacy in your own VIP hospital room, complimentary WiFi, choice of two complete meals (brunch and lunch), and on-demand scheduling, to list only a few.
Routine Physical Examination
During the routine physical exam, your doctor will check your vitals, including weight, blood pressure, and heart rate. Additionally, your doctor will assess your motor functions, reflexes, and physical signs of any abnormalities.
Electronic & Hard Copies of Test Results in English
Your doctor will give you both hardcopy and digital versions of all of your test results and images. All of your results will be in English. With all of your radiological images and exam results at your disposal, you are free to share your results as you please with any of your health care providers and specialists back home.
Hour Long Consultation in English
Every person receives at least a scheduled hour long consultation with a doctor to discuss their test results and ongoing treatment plans in English.
The Elite Advantage
Exclusive privileges reserved for Elite passholders only.
When life happens and plans change, no need to worry about a use it or lose it policy. Elite passholders enjoy unlimited transfers to family, friends, and colleagues for a year, no questions asked.
Elite passholders are never subject to short-notice cancellation fees. Signature passholders are, however, subject to a short-notice fee when canceling their check-up with less than seven days notice.
Make your Wellness Check-Up uniquely yours with add-on options ranging from laboratory panels and diagnostic exams to aesthetic, dental, and integrative treatments. All add-ons are minimally to non-invasive, maximally effective, and pose zero to minimal discomfort, social downtime, and risk.
Don’t want to miss out on all of the exclusive perks and benefits being an Elite passholder affords you? For an additional $500, you can upgrade your Signature Pass at anytime to see just how great true flexibility really is.
Assurance Policy
Both Signature and Elite booking passes unlock a one year assurance policy.
Choose to Have It All.
One Experience
As a life changing, perhaps even life saving, experience in preventive self-care, the Wellness Check-Up will be the one guilt-free indulgence you can look forward to year after year.
One Source
Outperforming any executive health program or physical exam covered by insurance, the Wellness Check-Up is a complete head-to-toe evaluation done in 5-6 hours in one privileged location during one appointment.
One Pass
With significant incentives for a tax-free getaway, it has never been easier to make your annual health maintenance a seamless and integral part of your next vacation or travel experience.

Total Abdominal Ultrasound
A total abdominal ultrasound takes non-invasive (painless) images of your liver, intestines, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, bladder, blood vessels, and appendix with sound waves (ultrasound). This exam is used to diagnose, detect, monitor, and manage disease, tumors, enlargement, and other abnormalities on and around the aforementioned organs without needles, shots, or surgical incisions.
Low Dose Computed Tomography (CT) of the Chest
A chest CT is used to diagnose, detect, monitor, and manage tumors, fluid around the lungs, and abnormal breathing conditions, like emphysema and COPD. This exam is exceptionally important not only for current or former smokers and vapers, but also for those who experience or have a history of chest pain or breathing problems.
Cardio Stress Test with EKG
A cardio stress test involves walking/slight running on a treadmill at different speeds while attached to an ECG/EKG machine to monitor breathing difficulty and blood pressure. This exam is used to determine overall heart health, individual levels of safe physical activity, coronary artery disease, heart rhythm abnormalities, and risk of heart attack.
Carotid & Vertebral Doppler Ultrasound
This exam uses high-frequency ultrasound to view the carotid and vertebral arteries, both of which supply blood to the brain, located on either side of the neck to detect blockages or stenosis. Those who have a history or an increased risk of stroke, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and/or coronary artery disease, will benefit from this exam.
Comprehensive Blood Work
Comprehensive blood work measures specific liver and kidney functions, blood glucose levels, vitamin, mineral, and electrolyte levels, blood count, and the body’s fluid balance. Having comprehensive blood work drawn enables diagnostic detection of cancer, anemia, leukemia, diabetes, and other illnesses, as well as provides you with a baseline knowledge of your overall health for comparative purposes over time.
Your comprehensive blood panel will contain a:
(1) complete blood count with differential [RBC, hemoglobin, hemocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), WBC/leukocyte, band forms, total neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, platelets, ferritin, folic acid (folates), vitamin B12, serum albumin];
(2) metabolic profile [glucose, glycated hemoglobin, urea, creatinine, uric acid, vitamin D, total and fractional protein, total and fractional bilirubin];
(3) lipid profile [total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL, triglycerides];
(4) enzyme profile [SGOT/AST, SGPT/ALT, GGT, ALP];
(5) electrolyte profile [potassium, sodium, calcium, chloride];
(6) hepatitis markers [Anti-HAV IgG, HBsAG, Anti-HBsAG, Anti-HCV];
(7) thyroid function hormone markers [Free T4/FT4, TSH];
(8) heart and stroke markers [homocysteine; lipoprotein A];
(9) sex specific hormone markers [males: total and free PSA, total and free testosterone] OR [females: CA-125, estradiol, total and free testosterone, FSH].
Urinalysis is used to detect and manage numerous disorders, such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, and kidney disease, among others.
Your urinalysis will contain a:
(1) chemical analysis [color, clarity, specific gravity, pH, bilirubin, urobilinogen, protein glucose, ketones, blood, leukocytes, nitrite, ascorbic acid];
(2) microscopic analysis [epithelial cells, WBC, RBC, Mucus filaments, bacteria].
Fecal Occult Blood Test
The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is used to detect hidden (microscopic/occult) blood in the stool, which may indicate the presence of colon cancer or polyps in the colon or rectum. Immunochromatography is used to rate a FOBT as positive or negative.
Resting EKG / ECG
An EKG/ECG (electrocardiogram) measures the electrical signals of your heart. This exam can detect irregular heartbeats, blocked arteries, and other (serious) heart conditions.
Mammography (Females Only)
This exam uses low-dose x-rays to provide early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases in women.
Prostate Ultrasound (Males Only)
This exam uses ultrasound imagery to assist in the detection of prostate abnormalities, cancer, some male fertility problems, difficult/painful urination, or other prostate-related conditions.
Computed Tomography (CT) Angiography of Coronary Arteries with Calcium Scoring (Elite Only)
A coronary CT angiogram is a diagnostic exam that takes images of your heart, and the vessels and arteries that supply blood to it. Unlike a traditional coronary angiogram, this exam does NOT require an invasive catheter. Therefore, this exam is a painless alternative to better understanding your risk of coronary artery disease.
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) of Brain & Carotid Arteries (Elite Only)
A magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a MRI of the arteries and veins used to detect whether the vessels transporting blood between the neck and the brain are healthy or diseased. A MRA is particularly valuable in screening for atherosclerosis, brain aneurysm, and vascular malformations known to cause some types of headaches and seizures.
Signature Concierge & Amenities
As a ZELLA client, you automatically gain access to numerous amenities and concierge services not available to the public. Some of the benefits you will enjoy are on-site health facilitators (all bilingual local experts with doctorate degrees) to guide you through the medical travel process both during and outside of your check-up, on-the-ground transportation to and from your check-up, all day privacy in your own VIP hospital room, complimentary WiFi, choice of two complete meals (brunch and lunch), and on-demand scheduling, to list only a few.
Routine Physical Examination
During the routine physical exam, your doctor will check your vitals, including weight, blood pressure, and heart rate. Additionally, your doctor will assess your motor functions, reflexes, and physical signs of any abnormalities.
Electronic & Hard Copies of Test Results in English
Your doctor will give you both hardcopy and digital versions of all of your test results and images. All of your results will be in English. With all of your radiological images and exam results at your disposal, you are free to share your results as you please with any of your health care providers and specialists back home.
Hour Long Consultation in English
Every person receives at least a scheduled hour long consultation with a doctor to discuss their test results and ongoing treatment plans in English.
The Elite Advantage
Exclusive privileges reserved for Elite passholders only.
When life happens and plans change, no need to worry about a use it or lose it policy. Elite passholders enjoy unlimited transfers to family, friends, and colleagues for a year, no questions asked.
Elite passholders are never subject to short-notice cancellation fees. Signature passholders are, however, subject to a short-notice fee when canceling their check-up with less than seven days notice.
Make your Wellness Check-Up uniquely yours with add-on options ranging from laboratory panels and diagnostic exams to aesthetic, dental, and integrative treatments. All add-ons are minimally to non-invasive, maximally effective, and pose zero to minimal discomfort, social downtime, and risk.
Don’t want to miss out on all of the exclusive perks and benefits being an Elite passholder affords you? For an additional $500, you can upgrade your Signature Pass at anytime to see just how great true flexibility really is.
Assurance Policy
Both Signature and Elite booking passes unlock a one year assurance policy.
“The Wellness Check-Up truly saved my life. They found a lot of asymptomatic cancerous tumors before they would have metastasized. I was able to take all of my results to a specialist in the U.S. and have my insurance cover the next steps. What I still can’t believe is that my entire trip, including the check-up, airfare, and hotel cost less than my deductible.”
“As a business owner, I was really impressed with how my time was respected. There was zero wait time, and I was able to get some much needed downtime on my trip. Every single thing was taken care of for me, and for the first time in my life, I forgot I had white coat syndrome. The doctors, the food, the hotel were all fantastic! I told my head of benefits that this was definitely a keeper.”
“Within the past two years, I lost my brother and uncle to strokes. My father also suffered a stroke before he passed away. ZELLA helped me assess my risk for stroke, and has eased my mind. For that I am very grateful!”
Intrigued? Get In Touch
+1 786 403 2154
M-F, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST
80 S.W. 8th Street, Suite 2000, Miami, Florida, 33130